Practical information
The route of the 2023 Walk of Hope
The walk route is designed to be accessible to all ages and fitness levels. There are refreshment stations and entertainment along the way, adding a festive touch to the event. Check out the map to find out more!
What is the "Kit marcheur" and how do I get it?
If you register yourself and your children using the registration form, you will receive a Walking Kit by post in the next few days. Inside the envelope, you will find (please note that this document is only available in French):
- a list on which to register your sponsors , together with practical information
- your ‘ Walk passport ’, to take with you on 13 October, on which the kilometres walked will be stamped at the stands along the route
- a QR invoice to make a donation to Terre des Hommes Suisse once the Walk is over.
If you registered yourself after the 4th of October, you’ll need to get these documents directly on site the 13th of October.
How to collect donations? List of sponsors
The list of sponsors for the Marche de l’espoir is a key fundraising tool. This list must be filled in with the names of people who financially support the walker. Each sponsor agrees to pay a certain amount of money, calculated according to the distance covered by the walker. The list keeps an organised record of all financial commitments, making it easier to collect and return the funds after the event.
Practical information flyer
Find out all about this year’s Marche de l’espoir in our flyer.
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